※このフレーズのgo throughは「詳しく論じる」や「話を繰り返す」といった意味です。
Do we have to go through that again?
Do we have to go through all this again?
QUEEN. [Enters distraught] You promised me you'd get married by Sunday. That's tomorrow. You promised you'd pick out a wife by your birthday. That's tomorrow. 「女王.[取り乱して,入ってくる]
PRINCE. Mother, do we have to go through all that again. I don't feel good.「王子.お母様、それをまた議論しないといけないのですか?私は気分がよくありません。」
※ Sylvia AshbyのProfessor Zuccini's Traveling Talesからの引用です.